Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pinging a Blog. What does it mean?

I would like to explain what does "ping a Blog" mean.
When you add a Blog to BlewSpace you are providing a Blog's name, a URL, a theme and a brief description of your Blog, but there is no way to ensure that you are the author of the Blog that you are publishing. To ensure that you can ping your Blog.
To ping your Blog you have to copy a <meta> tag that will be provided to you by BlewSpace and paste it into the header section of your Blog. Then you have to click on a link on BlewSpace and your Blog will be pinged (the mark icon in the main map will change telling the visitors that your Blog is pinged). Once you have completed the pinging process you can delete the <meta> tag in your Blog (it will be no longer needed).
If you decide not to ping your Blog, it will have exactly the same functionality than a pinged one but a different icon on the map. All visitors can see pinged and not pinged Blogs in the map and they can click on the mark to see the information balloon with the link to your Blog.

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